11-10-2022 - 16:00

Mountain Agriculture And Sustainable Development

Dall’11 al 13 ottobre, il Polo UNIMONT – Università degli Studi di Milano ospita Audrey Vincent, Professoressa Associata – ISARA, AgroSchool for Life – Laboratory of Rural Studies Research, Université Lyon 2.

Gli incontri saranno in lingua inglese.

11 October at 16.00 | Local strategies to bring added value to mountains products

Different quality schemes can be used to bring recognition and added value to mountain products (for example, PDO, PGI, organic farming…). These quality schemes are widely used in French mountains. During this seminar, we will analyse how local stakeholders can build up a strategy to differentiate and bring added values to their products. Based on French case studies, we will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of different local strategies.

Register here.

12 October from 8.30 to 18.00 | Participation in the field trip focusing on strategies, projects and initiatives set up by local stakeholders to develop mountain areas and the role of agricultural activities

During the field trip some core questions will be analysed and discussed with mountain stakeholders: what are the main issues to be faced in mountain areas? Which strategies are set up by local stakeholders to tackle them? How do public policies support these strategies and projects? Which role does agriculture play in the development of these areas? We will mainly focus on mountain quality products and tourism to illustrate strategies and initiatives set up locally to enhance the sustainable development of European mountain areas.

Register here.

13 October at 16.00 | Innovative agri-environmental approaches for mountain farming systems

Mountain farmers play a key role in biodiversity management on their farms. In France, a “result-based” agri-environmental measure called “flowering meadows” was tested in several mountains ranges to support meadows with a certain level of biodiversity. While most agri-environmental measure are usually “action-based”, the flowering meadow measure was “result-based”, letting more flexibility for the farmers to decide which practices to implement in their field. During the lecture, we will discuss about this result-based approach and about farmers’ feedbacks. 

Register here.

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